Monday, January 2, 2012

Christmas Eve Eve and Christmas Eve Recap

Sorry for the lack of blogging for the past 2 weeks ya'll! I have been enjoying spending time with friends and family. Kenny and I traveled the whole break to South Florida to North Florida to the Panhandle and back. Needless to say we are exhausted and excited to be back home:) We really had a great Christmas holiday that included 3 Christmas, good food & wine, and family! 

We spent a few days in South Florida with my parents, and did Christmas with them on Christmas Eve Eve. Kenny spent the few days while we were down there getting golf lessons and playing golf, while I spent it shopping;)

My Stocking 
Lots of presents!

Kenny's Stocking
I loved my gift wrapping this year!
Christmas Eve Eve with my parents
Trifle I made- Yummmmm

Christmas Eve morning we woke up and drove to Tallahassee and spent the day with Kenny's mom, stepdad and Kenny's siblings. She made a delicious dinner as always, and then we opened presents.

Attempting a family picture... Sally wasn't having it. 
Opening presents!
Prime Rib dinner, nom nom nom,

Pretty Christmas tree!

Kenny's little sister Caroline, and the pups.

Sorry for half iPhone pictures, I have been getting super lazy with the camera business. Pictures from Christmas and New Years to co
me! Hope everyone had a great holiday!!
