Thursday, June 9, 2011

Exploring Gainesville

Yesterday our friend Laura introduced us to Gainesville's famous Satchels. It was so yummy and such a fun little place. Laura goes to UF and is getting her doctorate in physical therapy right now. We met her through our friends from Fort Myers who grew up with her. She helping us get acquainted with Gainesville:)

You can actually eat inside the bus, too hot for us though!

After lunch we headed to the farmers market, which had everything you could possibly think of to buy.

We opted for some juice ( cant remember what was in it) honey, a banana cupcake, and zucchini.

THEN... we met up with Laura again at her favorite happy hour bar- Salty Dog, where the whole bar starred at me when I asked for wine... LOL

Tonight we made mexican pizza- recipe from Pioneer Women ( minus the homemade crust, I not that savy in the kitchen.

Now back to appyling for jobs...:(