Wednesday, December 14, 2011

cake mix Christmas cookies

Need yummy & easy Christmas cookie recipes?
I got ya covered.

Cake mix cookies are some of the best cookies out there.
I found alot of different versions on this blog.
Thanks six sisters!

Tomorrow night I have a cookie swap with some girlfriends so I made two different kinds...

Rolo Cookies 

Andes Mint Cookies

Both wonderfully delicious and easy- 4 ingredients each! 
Happy Holiday Baking:)

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Christmas Pictures

Sally, our dog, loved every minute... Can't you tell?:)


Sunday, December 11, 2011

life lately... in instagrams

Sally's got the Christmas spirit! 

Christmas decorations are out! well.. half of them anyway

Sangria with a girlfriend

excessive fro-yo

Junior League Christmas party photo booth

play time with my little man

fraser fir candles 

Sally's new not-so-girly collar (Kenny requested a non-pink one)


Sunday, December 4, 2011

Winter Festival Weekend

This weekend really made me excited for Christmas!! Friday night we had dinner at Bonefish with Kenny's mom, stepdad and step brother- mmmmm:) Saturday morning Kenny's mom and I were up and out to go to Market Days where we got lucky scoring some really neat house decorations and holiday decorations. Kenny's mom bought 2 ( one for me and one for her) original pressed tin tile picture frames. They are so pretty.. I can't wait to get mine for Christmas!  Saturday afternoon we were suppose to run in the jingle bell run but Kenny ended up studying all day so we decided to just skip the run:( Instead we went downtown for happy hour and watched performances from the Christmas festival. The parade was later that night, it was so crowed we only got a glimpse. We called it a night with having breakfast at a diner with Kenny's parents:)  

Fudge from Market Days
Santa countdown board from Market Days
Kenny has been hard at work studying for exam week so we haven't had a chance to decorate our apartment or get our Christmas tree. But this week he's done so we're going to celebrate by doing some Christmas decorating:) We also have a 2 Christmas parties to look forward to this week, that I haven't found dresses for yet! Yikes.. Hopefully I will be able to find something cute tomorrow night. Hope everyone had a good weekend!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Off again!

We just can't seem to stay put in Gainesville. This weekend we are off to Tallahassee for some Christmas fun:) Tomorrow morning we're going to Market Days which is a holiday craft show, that always has cute little gifts, and tomorrow night we are running in a Jingle Bell race downtown which is followed by a Christmas parade that Kenny's dad, stepmom, and sister are in and then we're going to a Christmas party. It's not a really long run but it's a start for Kenny and I. I would love to try and run a half marathon in the next year but I just can't seem to get into running, I would rather do the elliptical. Kenny hates doing any kind of cardio so I am going to have to do some convincing:) Tonight we are going to go see Christmas lights around town, and maybe do a little Christmas shopping at some local stores:) We are hopefully staying in town the next two weekends before we travel for Christmas and New Years. 

Be back Sunday:)